Institute Boards

Institute Management CommitteeInstitute Committee

Prof. Dr. Tuba GÜLTEKİN, Director

Prof. Dr. Çınla ŞEKER, Associate Director

Doç. Dr. Cansu ÇELEBİ EROL, Associate Director

Prof. Dr. Sibel ALMELEK İŞMAN, Department of Fine Arts Education

Doç. Dr. Melike YİĞİT KOYUNKAYA, Head of Department of Mathematics and Science Education

Doç. Dr. Esin UÇAL CANAKAY, Department of Fine Arts Education

Asiye ZENGİN, Executive Secretary (Reporter)

Prof. Dr. Tuba GÜLTEKİN, Director

Prof. Dr. Çınla ŞEKER, Associate Director

Doç. Dr. Cansu ÇELEBİ EROL, Associate Director

Prof. Dr. Tuba GÜLTEKİN, Department of Fine Arts Education

Prof. Dr. Rukiye Günseli YILDIRIM, Department of Basic Education

Prof. Dr. Mustafa EROL, Head of Department of Mathematics and Science Education

Prof. Dr. Raziye ÇAKICIOĞLU OBAN, Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education

Prof. Dr. Fatma Feryal ÇUBUKÇU, Department of Foreign Languages ​​Education

Prof. Dr. Fatma Feryal ÇUBUKÇU, Department of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

Prof. Dr. Diğdem Müge SİYEZ, Department of Educational Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ercan AKPINAR, Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies Education

Prof. Dr. Safiye Sunay YILDIRIM DOĞRU, Department of Special Education

Prof. Dr. Tuba GÜLTEKİN, Department of Environmental Education

Prof. Dr. Çınla ŞEKER, Department of Family Education and Counseling

Asiye ZENGİN, Executive Secretary (Reporter)

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