Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Education Sciences 1. Quality Assurance in Educational Sciences and Student Participation Congress

Dokuz Eylul University

Institute of Education Sciences

1. Quality Assurance in Educational Sciences

and Student Participation Congress

14-15 February 2022




Dear Academics and Students,

The “1st Congress on Quality Assurance and Student Participation in Educational Sciences”, which will be held for the first time this year by Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Educational Sciences, will be held online between 14-15 February 2022. “Unhindered student participation and quality”, “internationalization and quality”, “social contribution and quality” in higher education, in order to ensure that the quality culture in higher education is internalized and disseminated by students with the interaction between academicians and students, and to increase the participation of students in interdisciplinary studies within the scope of quality at national and international level. titles will be included in the congress as our main focus. We are honored to see you among us at our congress.

Prof. Dr. Tuba GÜLTEKİN

Organizing Committee

Congress Purpose

Target Audience/Participant
Congress Subject Topics
Congress Boards

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